Cough, oh hey abandoned blog. I must get better.
A few weeks ago, Casey and I were able spend the day at the temple assisting with tours. My task was "disability services". I absolutely had a terrific day, but we (the church and I) DEFINITELY have different definitions of my job title. :) Moving on. My job was to direct people using wheelchairs towards the elevator.
(Note: I'm not being negative. I just thought I would have to provide a lot of different assistance. Ie. Assist more, not point to an elevator)
Gramma Holmes came by about halfway through my shift. I may or may not have skipped (I would never run in the temple. Or admit to it) down the hall the hug and greet her. She also may or may not have held up the elevator for a second or two. I just love her what can I say? And, if you don't know about LDS temples, we heart the family in the temp. Anyways, it was quality.
Throughout the day, I had several expectant mothers. One had many children. One, just her husband with her. She then told us they had a child much older and had been trying for MANY years to get pregnant again. I mean like double digit number of years. This mother was expecting twins. I cried.
I believe we are given many reminders of our Heavenly Father's love in our daily life. We just have to remember to look for them. I know that woman was touring the temple for her that day, and she was able to gain a better understanding, or feel the spirit, but I also know our paths crossed for a very specific reason in God's plan.
Case and I would love to have a baby. How much medical assistance we put into the endeavor is up to us. However, I know we will have a family. I know a baby will come exactly when he/she is supposed to during our life. The timeline won't be mine, and it won't be Casey's. But it was predetermined before this life and I knew exactly what that timeline would be. And, it's perfect. I don't know how or why, but it is.
I hope that I can always think of others. Especially when it comes to babies. I know tons of friends who have waited and waited for babies. Often in my prayers I say "they get a baby first". And, I truly pray that everyone gets their babies, exactly when they are supposed to, and I hope it's perfect.
I'm so thankful for all of the blessings we have. I'm grateful for reminders of how much Heavenly Father loves each one of us. I'm happy to know that I am never alone. I hope that others are able to feel their Heavenly Father's love, and feel it often.
And, mostly, I hope those adorable twins were the perfect addition to that family, and they came right at the perfect time.