Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Marriage and Fitness. Part 1

When Case and I got married, he was sporting roughly 4 nights a week. He has since slowed down because obviously he likes being home with his lady friend.  However, we have both gained substantial amounts of LB's because of it. (Me because I've never worked out; Him because his routine changed and he didn't marry Rachael Ray.)

Last summer, we trained for a 5k for 1 week together. I absolutely love Case. He is perfect for me. However, I think we have what a lot of couples figure out-


Shock factor: that didn't ruin our marriage. It doesn't mean we aren't in love.

Casey is my biggest supporter when I roll out of bed to go running 3 times a week. He makes sure I get out of bed. He asks me how it went. Sometimes, I even get breakfast after. But he also doesn't come.
It didn't work for us. Case has to slow way down for me. He grew up active and playing tons of sports. I am the least coordinated person ever. Also, he's 6 ft. .. I'm at least 3 steps to his 1.

When Case and I have run races (cough, 5k's) together we do stick together. Otherwise, we workout 100% seperate.

It used to bother me. I felt like we weren't in sync enough. I felt like a "fat wife". Like he didn't care to stay the same pace as me and run together. Now, I just realize we have different body types/ styles/ preferences. And it's okay. I still love him. He still loves me. We both encourage each other to be our best self. And that's what matters.

That being said,

I like:
-running with the ladies
-gym classes with friends

He likes:
- soccer
-taking the dogs on a run


- he's going to try crossfit.

Wish him luck! I can't wait to watch him on the Crossfit games on ESPN! That sure doesn't mean I'll be hitting up lady crossfit games anytime soon. ;)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let's discuss the Bums

Sometimes, maybe I offend people. Sorry about that. Today may be one of those times.
You can ask most men if they are a "boob guy" or an "ass man". [There I go with my sailor mouth. Butt Guy sounds dumb. It is what it is.] They generally notice that particular area first. It doesn't really matter, they usually like both anyways.  But if forced to tell you what they prefer, there always is one.
Most women, unless half is fake, aren't going to have both. Sure, both can be good. However, one is usually exceptionally better. The fat just can't distribute all perfect like I guess. I realize there are ladies with great both, but I feel like you could walk up to most women and ask which one gets the compliments. And don't be ridiculous with me and say "neither" or try to be modest and embarrassed that I'm talking about this, you KNOW which one gets the compliments when the Mr. gets home.
My friends used to joke in junior high and say bra sizes were like grades and "Kalli was a straight A student". Sigh. True life. But whilst it was hard buying the most expensive push up bra Victoria Secret offered, I always had that bum.
Be real,  it wasn't Kim Kardashian big {which is sooo okay because to be honest, yikes} but it was there. It was a bubble. And, I didn't have to work for it. I used to roll my eyes and butt workouts on Pinterest. How embarrassing that we couldn't just be happy. Why was everyone trying to Kardashian their bum?
I had an intervention with myself a few months ago. It was a harsh one. Where in the H*/\ did my butt go?? I have had a desk job for almost 2 years. It's like it flattened out to a teacher butt!  [Note: I know plenty of teacher friends that have fine behinds. Please don't get all offended like.] It's still big (cough, extra 40 pounds) but it's like it got smashed out because I was sitting on it too much. It's wide and flat. My back to butt, what back to butt?  It's gone. It's chub to bum!  How could this happen? It was just how I was built. It was just there. And it's gone.
Let's confess, I started to look at those butt workouts. I'm ashamed. But I had to. I need it back. I can't even bring myself to pin them. What if I exercise it wrong and it comes back looking worse? What if it gets all big? I just want a perfectly nice bubble style. I'm terrifed here people. These pinterest exercises promise so much, but do they deliver?
Obviously, I haven't done tons to correct this HUGE problem yet, but I am going to keep you posted. And if you guys have solutions, list them below. Help a sister out!
K, feel better getting that off my chest.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Gum and 20

Attention World:

Today, I, Kalli, RAN for 20 minutes straight. As soon as you wake up from passing out due to shock, join me.

Like I've told you, I've been doing Couch 2 5K with my neighbs. We've gone much slower than most but we are doing it. Today was- 5 min walking warm up, run 20 minutes, 5 min cool down. We did 2.56 miles total. Just like we were supposed to be, we did about a 10 minute mile. The .56 was our warm up and cool down.

It was one of those plug in and go type runs. So, I'd like to thank:
- Rhianna. Only Girl in the World.
-Justin Moore. Back that Thing Up.
- Brandon and Leah. BOOM, Boom, Boom.
- the United States Marine Corp.  Their running cadences. Guys, seriously. Amaze. 
-Lady A. Bartender
-Lee Brice. I don't dance.

<ps- I run to weird tunes. But I'm into it. And I've defined my style. Make a play list and shuffle>
<<pps- make a playlist. If you just shuffle, every other song is a primary or steven Curtis Chapman number,  fab for the sabb . Not for my running psyche>>

I would also like to thank my brother in law. Gum! Chew it on your runs. Keeps your throat from drying out. I'd like to compare a 20 min run with no gum, but today was quality so why mess with a good thing.

And of course,  my running peeps. I would have quit, but I couldn't be the first one to start walking.

The only thing I hated was the app telling me "you are halfway". It got into my brain and I was almost at the give up point. As soon as I pushed through that, I kept telling myself "this is the easy part", "downside of the run" and I was fine.

And just in case you wondered about our sexy future fitness model appeal: when it warned us we had 1 minute left, we decided to really run, like all Olympic style. It seriously felt great. And was so not as hard as I thought it was going to be. (Except for my almost comatose stare at work until noon.)

Moral of the story: you can do it! It took us sooo long to build to 20 minutes,  but now I know I can keep going! Just keep doing it. I pinky promise it does get easier.

Last, I have started weighing myself every Monday. I'm going to also take a picture. I'm going to compare the two every week. I'm not going to weigh in between. I, like most, get way caught up on that number. I've gained 4.6 pounds in 2 weeks and I need to just realize I FEEL BeTTER. So, feel free to participate! Obviously, it will start today, but won't really be posted until next week.

Good luck this week!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Goals :: 7.27-8.3

First things first, if you don't know how weekly goals work around these parts, go {here}.
Second, and painfully so, reviewing last week's goals-

1. Work out 4 times this week. 
      I bailed on Wednesday running so I ran Monday, Friday, and went to a class Tuesday. This goal is a big old repeat. 
2. Pack a healthy lunch 2 days this week. 
     Yeah, I forgot I made this goal. I should write them down so I can see them and not just on the line. My bad. Continue on round 2. 
3. Water- 1 glass before running or showering everyday. 
     I did this Monday. 5:45 was way hard for me to choke down 1 gulp. I'm not awake enough. Obviously, I have to repeat this goal, but I need to modify it in order to make any progress happen. 

So, it looks like a lot of repeating for me and that's okay. Let's try again. 

1. Work out 4 times this week. 
     I have plans to run my usual Monday, Wednesday, and Friday plus I'm signed up for a Tuesday night class. As long as I don't bail Wednesday I am set to succeed. 
2. Healthy Lunches 2 days this week. 
     This goal sucks and caloric killer food is way more better. However, my scale is reminding me that it's not the case. Hot bodies are made in the kitchen. 
3. Water- 1 glass before/ after run
     I did drink more water this week so I don't feel bad about modifying this one and making it work for me. I want to succeed! 
4. NEW! Be in bed by midnight 3 times this week. This means in bed! Not on the couch relaxing to t.v, not washing face, but IN BED. We usually start going to bed at 12 and get there by 12:30- 12:45. I want good sleep this week! Note: work emergencies or other emergencies, should they happen, will NOT count against me. 

This week in order to be successful, I'm going to go ahead and write these down on a post it for myself. Obviously, I don't check back on my goals. I'm not making excuses. I should have done better. I just want to explain where the performance did not meet the expectation and what I should do better in order to get the desired outcome. 

Go ahead and tell me how your goals went, or self report in your fitness journal. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. This is your week. Make it work for you. 

Good Luck! 


Saturday, July 26, 2014

How Running Got Started

I know, I know. You have all been feeling so abandoned since I took the holiday and Friday off of blogging. Practically crying yourselves to sleep I'm sure.

Sorry. I just took a little day off, but now I'm weekend posting you to make up for it. So, that deserves some cookies or something. . . Just sayin.

I've had a bunch of people say to me lately "oh, I'm not a runner." Well, why the heck not? What makes a runner? You don't have to do sprints or marathons to be a runner, you don't have to be fast. Heck, you don't even have to get very far. You just have to move.

I know some of you are saying- but I'm too big, I'll do videos first then run. Or you think you look funny.

NEWS FLASH: No one cares! For certain, I have not had one person come to me while running and say "you sound like a camel dry heaving on the desert". When I'm on trails, people only have time to say "hi" then you are past them. I'll I'm saying is I have insecurities to, and I finally stopped letting them stop me. And I'm so glad I did. Because I'm still not the perfect size, but I feel better. And everyone deserves that.

However, we can Monday pep talk it more. Today's the day I'm really honest about the misery of running.

I have never been good at exercise. I was the slowest mile runner in junior high and high school. Which, by the way, public school system- give it up. I'm 5 ft. How in the blankity blank blank fast do you think I can run? My legs are only like 1.5 ft of that.  Don't be ridiculous. Anyways, my gym teacher once called me "cow" instead of "kal" so there's that. And just so we are really clear, that back when my size wasn't even a number yet. So, running isn't my dream workout. I never understood it. I was one of those "not a runner" people.

Last summer, my in laws REALLY wanted the whole fam to do a 5K on the 4th of July. Case and I agreed. We trained all of three times (couch to 5k, week 1). It was absolutely terrible. I was so embarrassed and thought everyone thought I was so fat. Again, no one really cares. I needed to get over myself. After the 5K, I swore I was not a runner and I would never do it again.

Fast forward. Over the winter, I bought some beach body videos. I used them. Then stopped. ... yeah. I do that a lot. I just kept gaining weight.  I didn't feel happy. I started going to a workout class with friends from work. I started to feel a bit more confident and I could feel myself getting some muscle,  but still not enough yet. I felt better, but you know you want instant magic skinny too. Then my neighbors approached me and told me they had just started the C25K program,  and asked if I wanted to join. They convinced me by saying "we aren't runners. It will just be fun". Okay... it's now or never.

The first week, they told me Week 1 was too easy and we could surely hack Week 2.

NO, NO, No. I could not. We had to go back to Week 1. My lungs could not do it! That Breathing Thing runners do- it takes a long time to learn how to do that.

I've told you before, we repeated weeks. If something was killing us, we did it again. We started running in May. It's the end of July. We still aren't done. And it's OKAY. Only compare yourself to yourself.

I felt miserable those first few weeks. Everyone said running made them feel less stress, more calm. That they felt better on days they ran, that they ate better. They felt happier. Remember, it's going to be miserable for a minute. You are asking your body to do something you don't normally do. It gets better. I really promise.

If you are new to running, this is my advice. And this is coming from me. Not Malibu barbie at the gym. Me, a real person, who still has 40 pounds to lose. I'm not only in your boat but I'm freakin rowing it to shore.

1. Don't Give Up! I know you want to after every day. Something strange will happen. Your long runs will become your short ones.  And then your short ones become even longer. You won't even remember the 1 minute runs.
2. Accountability Partner. For me, I am so not a self motivator. But my friends were counting on me, waiting for me outside. I had to go. I couldn't let them down. And, on our runs--no way I was giving up first.
3. Breathing: I know it feels wrong. You feel like your lungs just aren't getting enough air. Slow your run and concentrate. It gets better. Keep at it. I promise. In your nose, out your mouth. Slow. Just like normal.
4. Take Breaks: I started to feel like I wasn't progressing fast enough. So I would do Week 2 on M, W, F and Week 1 on T, Th. I figured I would be fine since Week 1 had become my easy run. One of my runner besties (cough, thanks Jess) told me to stop. I'm glad she did. Bodies need a break. Even if you aren't feeling tired or sore that next day, make sure you are resting. Cross train, sure, but get into it slowly. McDonald's didn't make you overweight overnight. One run won't fix it.
5. Enjoy yourself: don't beat yourself up. It's just running. There will be bad days. And it's okay. Have fun. Really. It will be.

So, how do I feel now? [We are probably 10-12 weeks in and just finished week 5]  》
--> 5:40 a.m. wake up is still painful,  but it's doable. I'm back down to 2 alarms. (There was a minute there when I switched it to 3)
--> I love running clothes. I can't wait to look better in them, every time.
--> I can breathe! This was a hard one, and some times I lose my pattern on the longer parts of my run. Keep chugging along.
--> I sweat {AND smell like a foot}. That's new. I never work myself so hard that I sweat. I had to teach myself how, and it feels dang good!
--> I crave my run days, did I just become a runner?
--> "endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands."  -Elle Woods, Legally Blonde. It's true. I'm happy, I'm less stressed. You won't feel this way overnight,  but it comes and it's so good when it does.

Just keep going, wherever you are at with yourself--keep going! You can definitely be exactly who you want to be!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ask And You Will Receive

Shut Up, you guys! Remember how just yesterday I was complaining that I wanted my fitbit to look less than a fitness band and more like a cute bracelet? Well, sure enough I got on the fitbit website today and Tory Burch is creating bands now. Of course, I waited all day to get home and take a look- - -yeah, the one I want is $195. I am pretty sure that is more than my fit bit cost, but look at it!

 . You can buy one {here}

I really want it. But not really because not only is $195 in the budget, but I could find a bunch of other wonderful goodness to buy with that money. However, if you are feelin it like me you should go get it. And you should think of me everytime you wear it! If you REALLY want one but need something a little cheaper they also have colored silicone ones for $38. They are cuter than the plain bands, and I may look into it once they have more colors. For now, I'll keep my boring plain colors and just be happy that I have a fitbit because I really do love it. Just when you see me with my plain one pretend it's that metal beauty you see above. Okay? Thanks best friend!

Tomorrow is a holiday in Utah so I better go pretend it's the weekend and hang out with that hottie that sleeps in my bed.
PS- let's excuse the spacing on the picture. I am NOT tech savvy and my computer is being all sketch fest. Just be grateful I showed you the most beautiful bracelet you've ever seen! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Product Review: Fitbit

Today, I went to a workout class. I died. Of course, after I stopped and picked up pizza for dinner. Casey was with the young men at our church and didn't get home until later. Can I please describe the embarrassing events that transpired. 
- I was in booty shorts and proceeded to throw on sweats in the parking lot of Little Caesars.  Bystanders probably thought ho was gettin dressed. 
- I bought pizza after a workout. I think I cancelled myself a bit on that one. 
- I chose to eat in front of the television. I have to catch up on my Sister Wives when Casey isn't home. Then the young women of our church dropped off a paper. Oh, hey guys. Hey. 

Winning, just winning. That's a side story though. I really have something of value to report on.

For Christmas last year, Casey gave me a jawbone speaker. I had been complaining (I don't remember that part) that I wanted to listen to some tunes at work. I really loved it, but I didn't think I would use it enough to justify how much it cost.
Side Note: Casey does extremely well with gift giving and I did love the speaker. I am 100% sure I would have enjoyed it and I am grateful he bought me something at all. I sound like a fart when I say we returned it. I really did like it.
So, off to Best Buy we went to exchange it for something else. Casey showed me a few other things he thought about buying. The fitbit flex was on the list. Like any smart husband, he did not put the weight loss device under the tree because, again, like any good husband he tells me I'm perfect. (I love him). Of course, that's what I chose. After about 4 days, we went back and bought Casey one too. It's fun comparing our stats each day. 

What is it:
 it's a wristband that you can wear all the time and it tracks the calories you are burning. The flex has changeable bands in case you are feeling trendy. You charge the little electronic piece about once a week. It can also track your sleep patterns, and steps. You can manually enter your calories consumed each day also. It has dots on the band that let you know how close to your goal you are.
1. Idiot proof. I am NOT technology savvy at all.
2. Interchangeable band. I can match my outfit each day
      I have black, grey-blue, aqua, red, and navy. I want like 10 more colors!
3. Easy to put on. It takes 2 seconds, tops. Throw it on as you are running out the door.
4. Comfy. You can wear it to sleep. It measures how many times you are restless or wake up. It's absolutely fascinating to compare mine and Casey's. I'm kind of an obnoxious bed partner.
5. Did I mention easy?
6. You can find friends that will show up in your app. I'm a lame sauce, Case is my only friend. Add me if you have a fitbit!
7. There's an app! You can look at the dots throughout the day, but it also sync's to my phone so I am able to check my progress frequently.

1. It's plain, but I still have an armband on. ... while I can match it to my outfit, it is what it is. It's probably not super noticeable, but sometimes it's just eh.
2. I went to a gym class for an hour tonight. It didn't show any of the class under "very active minutes". And it was! To be fair, the class wasn't cardio.
3. I don't use it to count my calorie intake, I like My Fitness Pal better. However, it is connected to my My Fitness Pal account, which makes that much easier.
Overall, I'm way happy with the purchase. I have gained 10 pounds since owning it, but I think that's a me issue, not the band. ;) I think someone a bit more advanced on their fitness may want a little something, something extra but for me-- happy camper!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Workout Wears

RUN, don't walk, to your nearest sporting goods store for these capris.
A few months ago, or 1.5, Casey and I went to the outlets for my birthday.  Under Armour was having a sale. I got an outfit,  but I REALLY wanted these neon pink pants. They weren't on sale,  but c'mon Breast Cancer support. I HAD to get them.
They are like butter melting on my skin. Melting on my cottage cheese thighs. Oh, that visual is quality. Haha.
So, this weekend, I went back to Under Armour and bought the same pair in grey. And they were on sale. 

Shirt: Utah State original. However, you can and SHOULD get this year's game day shirt {here}
Pants: Under Armour , similar {here}
Nike's: a present, but you can get the newer more legit looking version (or the closest I could find) {here}

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Goals :: 7.21-7.27

Let's set goals together every Sunday, k?

Here's how this works- Start with a manageable number of goals. Maybe 1 goal a week is enough to add to your plate right now. Maybe you want 7. It's whatever you choose. {Side Note: I like odd numbers, 7 is actually my favorite. But I also like to be sporadic.} And really. It's whatever. BUT, if you don't accomplish your goal this week, you have to ADD it to next week's goal list. See how I did that?. Get it done and get it off the list! Pick goals that work for you. My goals probably won't work for most people. That's okay. We can all be different. Weird, right?

Just make it manageable!

I think a lot of folk have a tendency to create these huge goals then when we don't accomplish them we feel all fat friend like and give up on ourselves!

Helpful Hints//Cheats
1. If you feel overwhelmed, give yourself something you already do.
      - I am so not above adding "brush teeth" to my Saturday chore list. Then when I do it I can cross it off and feel that much better.
This isn't for everyone, it's a personality flaw of "list makers"
2. It doesn't all have to be exercise. Be real. What do you want to be doing better?
3. Make it manageable. For example- "loose 5 pounds" probably isn't for most people. However, "drink 2 extra glasses of water each day" may be for most people.

So, my weeks goals are:
1. Work out 4 times this week.
     -I've been mostly decent with running 3 days but this old girl needs to do some cross training.
2. Pack a healthy lunch 2 days this week.
    -Laugh away, but I eat out 5 days a week. To go from 5---0 in a week is too much so 2 is my go to number.
3. WATER- 1 glass before running or shower everyday.
   -I'm probably going to have a goal associated with water in some way for the rest of my life. I think water is stupid and I love soda. My attitude isn't changing. I'm not automatically going to start craving it so turning it into habit it is.

Novel's almost over. YOU are accountable for YOU. If you need an accountability team- find a friend, tell the significant other, journal it for the grandkids to find, or comment below. Bottom line: only you will know if you cheat and don't repeat a goal. So, just don't do it.

Good Luck!

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Before

You know you have been wanting a before. And, eventually I'll probably give in and give you "the one" but in all reality I've watched my weight get higher and higher for the last 6 or so years. Its really gotten to the point where I need to make a change though. So, this is old me. Check back often and see the new and improved me.

It's just going to keep getting better!

Also, just so its clear. These are MY befores. I jist picked 3 random pictures from my phone. Its not like I posted the bikini ones that really show where the extra weight is. Please don't judge them or criticize. This is me and I'm just sharing the journey. We are all differemt and it's okay! Let's just be best friends and only encourage each other to make changes and try harder each day! Deal?! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I'm not golden, and it's okay

{DISCLAIMER: 2 Negative posts in a row. Yikes.}

In my free time, I work full time as an Associate Director. We don't need to get into details, but on any given weekday between 9-5 I am working-- in an office, meetings, at other establishments, working with the state. I also am married and have 2 dogs. Just like everyone else, there is a lot going on.
Some days I just wonder who has a voodoo doll of me and what on earth did I do to piss them off.
Today was that day.
1. I loathe when people are on your side right up to the point when it's time to stand for something. Then they crack and you find yourself standing completely alone trying to represent. It just sucks.
2. I absolutley, more than anything, hate being told something that I did wasn't done good enough. Literally, a one line email saying "get this done" effects me for weeks. WEEKS. I won't feel good enough, and I'll wonder why they didn't find someone better.
3. First world, but dishes?! Seriously, what the hell. Neverending.
4. I think that goes for all housework.
5. Why are there only 24 hours in a day? And why do I require so much sleep?
6. Why am I venting all these things instead of just feeling like I tried my best and it IS good enough?

So, moral of the story--> maybe today I wasn't the favorite employee, maybe today I wasn't the best wife,  maybe I didn't accomplish everything I wanted today. However, I did my best and that's enough. I try hard to make a difference and if I were perfect there would be no reason to work on anything tomorrow. I think sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit. And we ALL deserve it. Every one of us has done something today that will, in fact, change the course of history. Maybe you smiled at someone who didn't feel like they had any friends. Maybe you gave a waitress a tip that was just enough money to finish paying the power bill. Maybe you are raising a child, maybe you went to work to feed your family. Whatever you did, it was enough and it was golden. It was exactly what you needed to be doing on this exact day in order to change the course of this world.

And, you are enough.

So, right now, you can sulk in a bubble bath or grab a soda, but when you are done create a list of 7 things that were enough today. Keep them to yourself, journal them, leave me a comment. But DO IT. Because you deserve to give yourself some credit.

1. I did, in fact, get the dishes done.
2. I talked to a friend for an hour on the phone. And, he's a great example.
3. No one in this world will love the Hub more than I do. And, I think he knows that, not just today, but everyday.
4. I planned a lunch with friends tomorrow.
5. I addressed a concern and hopefully made someone else feel more at ease.
6. I emptied my mailbox at work. (Which means I'm getting closer to everything that needed to be accomplished today)
7. I said a prayer to my Heavenly Father that I could be guided to do whatever I needed to get done today in order to be exactly where I need to be in order to help someone else. Because in the end, that's what matters.

You are golden. Always.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Frustration Day

I woke up this morning and felt so rested.

Last night, before bed, I swept, I did dishes, I felt great. I was doing a little soul searching and trying to think of ways I could accomplish more in each day. After, I watched t.v. on the couch with the hubs and he woke me up to go to bed at midnight.

It was his birthday, so of course I wished him Happy, Happy then fell right back asleep. I was excited to wake up and get a run in before my day at work and fattening birthday treats.

So, it felt super weird this morning when I woke up on my own. Yeah, 6:26. We go running at 6. I completely missed it. I feel so sad. The smart me would have went for a shorter, quick run around my neighborhood. But that older man in my bed looked like he could use some morning cuddling.

I bet we can all guess which me won.

Excuse me while I feel like a sad, fat sack all day for not running. Boo. Fail day. Fail day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Workout Wears

I do NOT get all dolled up to workout. My running buddies should feel blessed that my teeth are brushed. I'll be real sometimes there's not even fresh deodorant, just yesterday's remainder. One thing I do is try to set out my clothes the night before. That way I don't have to worry about waking up the dog children or the hubs. Mondays are particularly rough. Skanky shirts usually help. ;)

This was Monday's outfit--
Shirt: one of those online t shirt shops. It's old, so I can't remember exactly where. I want to say Zazzle
Capri's: Calvin Klein from TJMaxx
Nike's: Christmas present from the Hub.

And just so we are clear, I WOULD in fact do whatever Ron told me to do.

Monday, July 14, 2014

How I Became A "Runner"

So, truth be told- - I am ABSOLUTELY not a star runner. I had a roommate, Jessica, that was a rockstar runner in college and I always admired how she would wake up super early and get a workout in.

Last summer, the hubs convinced me to run a 5K in his home town.We "trained" for maybe 1 week. We ran 3 times and only a walk/run for a mile each time. I realize that people roll their eyes at 3.2 miles but my goodness I DIED! I finished and completely stopped running after. I promised myself I would never do it again in my whole life. A t-shirt is not worth 20 bucks and an hour of misery.

Then this past May two of my neighbors asked me to do Couch 2 5K with them. They were so sweet and promised me they weren't runners either. It was just for fun and to get fit. I'll go into more depth later, but it really has been a great experience. We've missed days, we've re-done weeks but we ARE getting there. More importantly, we aren't giving up.

So, I guess I'm sort of a runner!

About Me

Hi. I'm Kalli.
 I absolutely am addicted to Coca Cola Classic and ketchup. I started this blog to keep in touch with others trying to lose weight. My weight has really gotten out of hand since high school all those years ago, but since getting married a year and a half ago I feel at fault since I should be cooking healthier.
 This blog is about my journey.
Overall, I want to lose 40 pounds.
I have never been much of a gym rat so this is my journey of taking up running, and bubble baths because my legs are getting tired.
I can't wait to make some new friends and start to look great.