Thunder Thighs.
Obviously, if you've met me or if you've read my posts you know I carry most of my weight on my bottom half. I mean, right now, I'm kind of across the board looking to tone, but I've always had a thigh problem. It kind of just came with big booty territory back in the day.
Many of you, Adriana Lima aside, probably maybe feel my pain. Who seriously has a thigh gap? Is that a thing? Mine thighs know each other better than Cinderella knows Prince Charming. They have NEVER not touched. EvER. I found a childhood picture of me at Disneyland, swimming. I was 2 or 3. My thighs touched. And, I wasn't a chubby kid. Seriously, I was a toddler. It was after seeing that picture that I began to just go with it. They are always going to touch and it's okay.
Pinterest also helps. |
Little Mermaid is obviously my favorite Disney movie.
As the years and weight have progressed, my legs started to flabby touch. At least when I was in high school they were a bit more firm and elastic. Then they became so "oh. Oh dear", "bless her heart" kinda style. In pants, they were okay, but good laws keep me out of swimwear.
I ran a 5k a month ago. They were still a bit saggy for my liking. Today, they still aren't close to where I want them. I put on a pair of running shorts though and they looked smooth. Kind of firm, not tight yet, but firm.
And, it's taken 3 months of running. It's been a 4 pound weight gain instead of weight loss.
But it's okay. I was able to look in that full length mirror and not be embarrassed. I was able to see improvement.
So, keep going. My legs didn't become jello salad with cottage cheese overnight. (You are so welcome for just ruining that fattening food for you) It WILL Get better. You can look exactly how you want to look. And be okay with shimmying into your jeans.
Some men kinda like those big booty bitc.... op, almost got inappropriate. I mean, you look great!
♡ yourself!
And, just keep going!
I needed this today Kal, thanks for your motivation.