Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I took a coupon class way back at the beginning of this year at my friend Ashley's. She also knows the Coupon Gal and she taught the class! (Ash teaches classes now too!) 

So, it's like couponing for your everyday person. NOT like crazy couponer on t.v. It was great to learn the rules, and which coupons/sales can go together. It made so much sense so quickly. And really, so easy. Everyone should do it. 

At the class, I ordered 4 newspapers every Sunday. They were only $20 for the year for each one. Plus, we all know I have no concept of money or how much of a stockpile 2 people need. (Just so we are clear, not 4 papers worth but whatever.) I also got a gift card for buying so many papers. I love gift cards. Always there for rainy days. 

Then, after my class, a bad thing happened. I gave up on couponing. I just got "too busy". He would never say it, but I know Case was disappointed. $80 wasted. About a week ago, I finally got my butt in gear. The time commitment is small. 

-Sunday: half hour sorting the paper. All I do, is pull out coupons. Stack them together,  put the good parts of newspaper in my paint pile (to use under my paint projects later), and show away those shiny ad pieces. You can look at the ads before tossing of course. 
- Tuesday: this is the day I try to plan on shopping each week. After you pick your favorite stores, you can see which day the new ad starts. I go on Tuesdays because Case has church activities. Go which day works for you. 

I've only gone twice so far. So my expert advice is limited. My first time, I had to organize those coupons I ignored for 6 months, and it took me longer because I was new. It took about 2 hours, then maybe 1 hour to shop. My second time took me 1.5 hours total. Once you have done it, you start to get the hang of it quick. So, I would say plan on 30minutes to an hour to organize then 1-2 hours in the store. And, go alone!! You do have to pay attention a little bit more than you would on a normal trip. 

Also, you only use 4 coupons for each item. (Like only 4 bottles of shampoo, etc) so you aren't emptying the shelves and leaving everyone else with nothing like the crazies on t.v. And, you only have to get what you need. Much better! 

If you want a class, contact Ashley Nielsen. You can find her on facebook @ ThisMom Coupons.

Also, the link to Coupon Gal's website @ Utah Deal Diva

I refresh my memory with these instructions often and it's way helpful. 

Now, for the nitty gritty of my first trip! The retail value with no sales/coupons was over $132! I spent $57.98! 

I got:
- 4 bottles of laundry soap
- 3 bottles of body wash
- 4 packages of diaper wipes 
- 2 boxes of Cheerios
- bread (because we love carbs, no sale)
-milk (again. no sale. just needed)
- yogurt
- 2 bags of grapes
- 3 peaches
-lunch meat (it was on sale, but it wasn't a huge bargain)
- 3 bottles of febreeze air freshener
- 3 bags of candy
- dryer sheets
- a box of crayons (I needed a new set for Primary)
- cream cheese
- water flavoring
- and, shave gel

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Thunder Thighs.
Obviously, if you've met me or if you've read my posts you know I carry most of my weight on my bottom half. I mean, right now, I'm kind of across the board looking to tone, but I've always had a thigh problem. It kind of just came with big booty territory back in the day.
Many of you, Adriana Lima aside, probably maybe feel my pain. Who seriously has a thigh gap? Is that a thing? Mine thighs know each other better than Cinderella knows Prince Charming. They have NEVER not touched. EvER. I found a childhood picture of me at Disneyland, swimming. I was 2 or 3. My thighs touched. And, I wasn't a chubby kid. Seriously, I was a toddler. It was after seeing that picture that I began to just go with it. They are always going to touch and it's okay.
Pinterest also helps. 
thigh I'm finding this way too funny

Little Mermaid is obviously my favorite Disney movie.
As the years and weight have progressed, my legs started to flabby touch. At least when I was in high school they were a bit more firm and elastic. Then they became so "oh. Oh dear", "bless her heart" kinda style. In pants, they were okay,  but good laws keep me out of swimwear.
I ran a 5k a month ago. They were still a bit saggy for my liking. Today, they still aren't close to where I want them. I put on a pair of running shorts though and they looked smooth. Kind of firm, not tight yet, but firm.
And, it's taken 3 months of running. It's been a 4 pound weight gain instead of weight loss.
But it's okay. I was able to look in that full length mirror and not be embarrassed.  I was able to see improvement.
So, keep going. My legs didn't become jello salad with cottage cheese overnight.  (You are so welcome for just ruining that fattening food for you) It WILL Get better. You can look exactly how you want to look. And be okay with shimmying into your jeans.
Some men kinda like those big booty bitc.... op, almost got inappropriate. I mean, you look great!
♡ yourself!
And, just keep going!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Weekly Goals 8.24.14- 8.30.14

Have you guys felt alone and abandoned and left to set goals all by yourself?

I'm sorry. I've been lazy. Flat out that's all there is to it. I don't have a reason, an excuse. It just is what it is. Be mad or move forward.

If you are new to goals you can read the rules {here}.

Since I have 100% just been no goalin' it for the past two weeks, I am going to start some fresh ones.

1. Run 3 times this week. Morning or Night. For at least 30 minutes.
2. Vitamins. Seriously, I NEVER take them and they are important and it's not just about me. Not that it's entirely irrational but I would feel insanely stressed if we were to have a baby and I wasn't super religious about taking them.
3. Less than 44 oz. of soda a day. Pray for me on this one. It gets me through the day.

I am starting this small, but really get on my case if I bail on dedicated blogging/ getting skinny again.

I need it!

Check in with your goals, Below.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

BYU Cupcakes

Sometimes, I don't eat or make healthy things. And sometimes, I blog about them. Even though they are unhealthy. I think you have to live a little. It's okay to eat bad things occasionally, right?

Casey's cousin graduated from BYU a few months ago. And by graduated, I actually mean-- in 2 years, with the highest honors possible, an insane double major, and with a scholarship. Home girl is brilliant. I offered to take cupcakes to her graduation party after. It's not like I could keep up with the dinner conversation so I had to do something. {Read above: SUPER SMART}

I REALLY wanted to find BYU flags to go in the cupcakes, but Zurchers let me down. So blue geometrics it was.

To Make Matching Cupcakes:

- Betty Crocker white cake mix. ADD blue food coloring
      *if I did it again, I wouldn't dye the cupcakes. They almost looked burnt.
- Wilton Frosting Recipe.
     - take out vanilla/butter flavoring and pick up MANGO from {here} or from a specialty store.
- Cupcake liners and stripe flags : ZURCHERS
- blue sprinkles: Kitchen Kneads (but really, anywhere)
- Frosted with a Wilton tip #

I would love to tell you the cupcakes were amazing. However, I don't often eat food that I make. I realize that's weird and I need to eat food I make instead of fast food in order to be healthy. I'm not scared of my kitchen or do anything bad, I'm just kind of weird. However, the batter from licking the spatula (after, you grossies) was bomb, as was the frosting alone. They were VERY sweet. So, depending on food tastes, might not be everyone's fave. Husb was, as always, my pre party taste tester. He loved them. And, they did get some pretty good reviews at the party.

Congrats, O! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Apple Cinnamon Water

Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water Recipe
picture from Pinterest:

I found this water recipe Pinterest and shockingly enough I REALLY like it! It really makes me drink more water, and tastes so much better then plain old tasteless water!

It's just water. Add 1-2 cut apples, a few cinnamon sticks and let it sit overnight.
 Disclaimer: the expensive apples are the money maker in this drink!

 It's probably easiest to just search "apple cinnamon water". So yummy!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Goals 8.3- 8.10

Oh, Hey.

I've been dreading this post all day. It's time to hold myself accountable though and check in. If you want to the skinny on how I do my goals go here and to see my first goal check in go here.

This week's goals went better, but oh how the repeats make me angry!

1. Work Out 4 times/ Week. Can I get a WHAT?! I so passed off this goal!
     - Monday: Running
     - Tuesday: class
     - Wednesday: Running
     - Thursday: break
     -Friday: Running
I won't lie. Wednesday almost killed me. I was TIRED from all my days in a row. However, I can't even begin to describe my excitement for completing this goal! I feel like a freakin Victoria Secret model. Don't worry. I realize I'm not. I won't be pretend modeling at your local pool anytime soon.
2. Pack 2 Healthy Lunches this Week. I honestly can't even remember what I ate 1 day last week. Apparently, it wasn't memorably healthy. I don't know if I ate lunch everyday. I think I had In N Out Burger one day?
3. Water- Before or After Run. SUCCESS! I had one glass before or after each run. I also drank water more throughout the day. Go Team. Be real though, I think I maxed out at 20 ounces.
4. Be in Bed by Midnight three times. I did well on this goal on Sunday, and Monday. Tuesday wasn't as good because I was helping Casey get ready for scout camp. The rest of the week my sleep was off because I watched t.v. every night. I was having a good time; I got to pick all the shows! When Case got home Saturday, I was asleep by midnight. Scout Camp wore the guy out. He slept all day and we were in bed by 11. Goal = complete.

This Weeks Goals:
1. Pack 2 Healthy Lunches . Repeat of the Century.
2. Water- I completed this goal BUT I need to measure so I can get better. Each day I am going to drink a 16.9 oz bottle. I think I'm already doing it. I need a starting point though.
3. Be in bed by midnight each night. ALL 7! I need more sleep. I'm getting old.
4. Work out 4 times a week for 2 weeks in a row! Last week will count towards this goal, so basically I want to do 4 workouts again.

See you in 7 days!